It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any copyright clearances. Permission to publish material from this/these transcript(s) must be obtained from the Supervisor of Reference Services and/or the L. Tom Perry Special Collection Coordinating Committee. Alvin Fielding and Amelia Smith Letters, Jan 1907 MSS 7952 [Notes inserted by transcriber will be within square brackets; preprinted text is indicated by bold font; when Alvin used letterhead for additional pages, his handwritten text is interspersed with the letterhead text] [The letterhead title will be referred to as “The London Conference letterhead” on future pages] The London Conference. 97, Farleigh Road, Latter-Day Saints. Stoke Newington, N. ——— London, Jan 4th.......1907 [Ltr. 1, p. 1] My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I have just been writing to Alex I got a letter from him last evening- and one a week ago - Since I wrote to him the poor lad is no better, he expects to go home next Month so maby You will see him in Zion some time in March He told Me not to tell any body that he had been released but I think he meant here in England He dont care to have them know I told him I was going to tell You, and I told him when he got home he could go and see You and Ruth and if it was agreeable with You, he could give You each a big hug for me. Well dearie I spent nearly all day again yesterday at the Lawyers and we are having a devil of a time I told them I wanted the thing settled no matter how it was done so I guess instead of trying to complim[--] we will go [Ltr. 1, p. 2] we will go right after them and make them come to time if even I was sick and tired of a job I am of this one but I understand they are having a worse time at home I wish they could win the case and shut those miserable relatives out- I think I told You that I got a nasty letter from one of Sister Everards brother, but I never troubled to answer it, neither do I intend to the trouble I have had has cost Me about 2500 with out figuring time spent- and I dont intend to be insulted by her relatives. So I just ignore him I got a letter from Geo T Odell the other day He told Me he hoped if conditions are favorable and satisfactory to both of us - to give me a job- as good or better than the one I used to have, but I want to spend about a week at home before I start to work, I imagin it will take about that long to get acquainted with all the family again, we expect to have Prest Penrose [Ltr. 1, p. 3] with us for a few days He is [London conference letterhead] Coming this afternoon, Say Dearie I have sent home by Elder Wm Wight three pair of gloves- two pair of 6 ½ and one pair of 6 ¾ - give Ida the 6 ¾ and give Melissa one pair of the 6 ½ and Bertha the other pair, with my best wishes I sent You two pair of Gloves for Christmas. I hope You got them- since then You have asked Me to get You a pair of long black ones, it may be that those are not so long as You would like- I paid 5 shilling and eleven pence for them or about 100 they should be good ones at least they guarantee them. but I expect to hear from You about them before You get this, I am going shopping one of these days and see what I can find for You I have got to get You something for Your Birthday- just think Dearie nearly 32 years old- I wish I could give You a big hug for Your birthday- but I cant so I wish You would get Ruth to do it [Ltr. 1, p. 4] for Me. The Elders are coming in for Priesthood meeting- Bro Howell is here He came with Me and we have been congratulating our selves that 20 months have passed and he seems just as pleased as I do about it. I wish they would send Me back to Ports- mouth with him instead of to Enfield- but I am going out next week so I will bid farewell to 97- for a time- and I will not be sorry- to get out and I guess Jones will not be sorry either- I kind a think he is jealous- of some of us- I am going out visiting saints this evening. and I guess this will be one of the last I visit as President of the Branch that I will make- becaus I am going to ask to be relieved of that position- well Mamma I am well and over my cold I hope You all well and free from colds. give my love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the Folks. I do love You with all my heart- kiss Ruth for Me and tell her to kiss her Mamma for Papa- and I pray the Lord to bless You both and preserve You from all harm, I am as ever Your loving husband & Papa- with lots of hugs kisses from Papa [Ltr. 2, p. 1] [London conference letterhead] Jan 8................ 1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth This is Tuesday morning tomorrow is mail day so I thot I would just do my writing to day. we have been having fairly good weather lately and we have been comparatively free from fogs of course we have had a few fogy days but nothing like we had last winter. I am going to take Elder Vanse- one of the new boys and go out to Enfield next Friday where we expect to Labor we will then bid farewell to 97- for a time, Say Dearie I am going to inclose two samples of cloth and I would like You to tell Me what the same thing would cost at home- Say Dearie how would You like enough brown Velvet for a suit? and how much would it take if the stuff was 42 inches wide Velvet is very fashionable over here, and I have seen some beautiful costumes made of it- how about those gloves [Ltr. 2, p. 2] I sent You I see by the Des News that gloves are very expensive at home- if those are not as long as You would like, just sell them and I will get You some 16 Button length those I sent are only twelve I think I will buy a few pair of gloves this Month)- d[--]ing the sale- say half dozen pair- then You will have enough to last You a day or two those like I sent You have been reduced a little- of course that is becaus of this being the big winter sale Month, I am looking for a letter from You it was one week yester- day since I had one - Say Mamma You remember last year when I bought some canary birds and they both turned out to be hens I gave them to one of the saints he raised some Young ones from them and last night he brought me two fine cock birds and they can both sing. I am going to send them home next Month by Elder Bateman, if all goes well and if he has good luck with them You will have to get a couple of cages for them and when [Ltr. 2, p. 3] 3 I come home I may bring [London conference letterhead] a hen bird and we will raise some. I hope Bro Bateman gets them to You alright, President Penrose and Your friend Morton have been in London since last Friday we had some fine Meetings last Sunday- They expect to go to Rotterdam Thursday where they expect to hold conference and remain for about a week I told You that Alex expected to go home next Month Sylvester Cannon is coming over to take his place You know he is the one that Married that fat Seville girl that used to work in the Presiding Bishops office maby she will come with him B.A. Sears wife wrote and told him that J. J. McClellans wife was going to get a divourse from him so that he could marry a Ogden girl, that must be the one You referred to- she also said Mc had been dropped from his position but according to the last Des News received Mc is still in his position and expects to take part in the Christmas doings [Ltr. 2, p. 4] at the tabernacle. I do feel sorry for his wife and babies. Brig’s wife said Mrs Mc was going to get the seperation in order to prevent him from going or being sent to Prison, - how bad she must feel, and how bad he must feel also- goodness. I dont see how he can look his friends in the face- we haven’t heard any thing further about it- I guess they are Trying to keep it as quiet as possible and I dont blame them. well Mamma how are You and Ruth- what kind of a time did You have on Christmas I guess there isnt much use of Me asking such questions because the next letter I get will give all this information. I hope You had as good time as I did and I wish I could have been home to see You all. did You get Ruths doll in time for Christmas and what did You think of it did the Grant Girls call to see You, they promised Me they would, so did Sister Grant I got a New Year card yesterday [Ltr. 2, p. 5] 5 from Anna and Mary Grant [London conference letterhead] You will remember them they are the girls that come over when I did- and they called on You when they got home I have got to send them some kind of a card now in return -Say Dearie I went to the theatre the other night- at the Garrick to see Mr Arthur Bur[-]schir in the Morals of Marcus- it was just fine. I did enjoy it so much- there was a crowd of us went and they all enjoyed it just as much as I did I wish You had been with Me, I have almost changed my mind about the Pantomime they say it is not so good as it was last year but I may see it before the season is over, I do enjoy a good theatre once in a while well Dearie they are thinning out the old members of the London Conference, Will James and Earl Stratford go on the 16th and Elder Bateman has been released- and leaves tomorrow- this leaves only two older than Me- Hancock [Ltr. 2, p. 6] Hanson and My self are then the nearly on top- Hanson expects to go home in March or February and soon after him I will be looking for my turn, the time is slipping past and Summer will soon be here again, I have not heard from the boys for some time but they all owe Me letters- Chase wished Me to remember him to You the last time he wrote to Me. It has been, it has been four Months since the folks went home and it dont seem possible that so much time has passed since then, Thursday will be Your birthday. and I will wish You many many happy returns of the day- and may the Lord bless You and Ruth always- give my love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks- remember Me to all inquiring friends- Kiss our doll baby for Me- and tell her to give her Momma a good birthday hug for Me- wish lots and lots of loves hugs and kisses for You both I am as ever Your affectionate husband and Papa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alvin [Ltr. 3, p. 1] [London conference letterhead] Jan 10th.......1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I got Your letter #125 of Dec 26th fifteen pages long it came to Me Yesterday afternoon. Also the card from Ruth. I did enjoy them both I didnt have to read Your letter on the instalment from either but read it twice Yesterday and once to day, it was just what I needed. Millie I had been wishing I was with You or that You were with Me. You see I had some trouble with My throat and was done up a couple of days- had several of the people waiting on Me President Penrose especially the trouble came on Tuesday evening about 7 oclock- I went to the public bath and washed my head and walked home a distance of about half mile. My throat had been troubling Me a little several days before, but the soreness had all left it but Tuesday night it began to swell up inside until [Ltr 3, p 2] it felt like I had a lump about as big as an egg in it well I bandaged it up and went to bed but it was worse than ever next morning or Yesterday- I could not swallow or eat anything so I got the brethren to administer to Me and then President Penrose rubbed my neck good with oil and Ammonia- when I would lay down it would feel better but as soon I got up it would bother Me again- President Jones was celebrating his birthday and had invited a crowd of Elders and Saints- and they had prepared a big turkey and lots of good things but I couldnt eat it altho just to be sociable I tried but I feared I would choke every minute, but I kept rubbing my neck and swabing My throat, it wasnt sore to speak of just then it kind a worried Me Just the same I was going to go to the Dr but President Penrose thot I hadnt better go out in the cold so he got after Me again and rubbed my throat, Well Dearie we all went down to supper about 26 of us. and just before we were [Ltr. 3, p. 3] 3 thro eating a knock came [London conference letterhead] to the door- it was the postman, I didnt pay much attention to it because I had had my letter and it was such a nice good long one. I was perfectly satisfied but what a happy surprise, a package for Me addressed by You, a photo I knew it was of You before it was opened. I could hardly wait to get it undone and when I did well I cant tell You how I felt I just sat and looked at it and I wanted it to speak to Me, it just looked natural enough to talk well I was feasting my eyes on it when several voices burst forth all at once and said well let us all have a look at it, it seemed like it took them an hour to see all they wanted of it, Dearie my love for You has been smoldering like a big fire, increasing daily- as it has been burning, increasing inwardly, and like the gas which is finally ignited by the increased heat, it burst forth into a flame when I saw that picture, well I cant tell You how I felt if I had only [Ltr. 3, p. 4] been alone- so that I could have cried with joy- I was full to over flowing, Millie it did look good My only disapointment in it was that it couldnt speak to Me, it is the best picture of You I ever saw- I got them all out but I just had to hug this one, and to come as it did so near Your birthday, and so unexpected especially after what You had said about the Kodak pictures and that if they were good You would send Me one. You see I didnt expect one but it is so good that I cant keep from looking at it Jan 11th 9 PM- well Dearie You will see by this new date that I didnt finish writing to You yesterday I was interrupted several times and it got meeting time- and after meeting I went to bed, it was nine oclock when I got up this morning, I had to go to the lawyers this afternoon I should have gone this A.M. but I put it off- the other people wont give up they intend to put us to all the expense they can so I told my Lawyers to let them sell [Ltr. 3, p. 5] 5 the good if they wanted to attach [London conference letterhead] them they are bound and determined to keep us paying the rent and they wont come to a settlement, with out we pay them, that is the Landlord- wont come to a settlem- ent unless we pay him $150.00 to release us from a three years guarantee for rent- of course one Year has expired and that leaves two more according to the agreement Mrs E- made- the rent was three hundred dollars per Year- so I just intend to let the dirty jew- sell the furniture for his rent money, it wont bring as much as he wants us to give him, it is still in the house and he will have to restrain on it each months until it is all gone and then he can go to h— for all of Me, the Executives at home dont give Me much consolation and I have no more money of My own to squander on it I am going to write home and tell them I have had enough [L. 3, p. 6] I also instructed the lawyers to write and furnish them all the particulars, if I had remained home to day I would have been better off I am alright but I dont feel quite so good as I did but My throat is nearly better, and I am still doctoring it, I dont feel sick but You know what a sore throat is like. it is not a raw soreness but it is the glands that are swolen and the soreness is more from the outside except a slight tenderness from the inside, but I am going to keep where it is warm and then I will be alright in about a day but I dont want You to worry about Me for I am alright- I guess I had better look over Your letter and answer a portion of it I wont be able to answer it all this time, but I will answer it on the installment plan, instead of reading it that way- I guess You were very busy Christmas week and I am glad You didnt make Your self sick by overdoing, it is a surprise to Me that no body was sick after the good feed they had- but it is as You [L. 3, p. 7] 7 say- very unusual- it is a wonder [London conference letterhead] I didnt make my self sick on that day becaus of what I ate becaus I was not used to it, but it didnt affect Me in the least and I am glad You didnt stop up Christmas night to write to Me, and I want You to go to bed early- and take good care of Your self and try and do Your writing earlier in the evening I will be glad to hear what You weigh, and I hope it is about 130 lbs. You look well in the picture I have got it open on the table in front of Me, and You dont know how good it looks to Me. I just wish You were where I could pick You up in My arms and hug You I have hugged the picture once or twice but there is very much lacking when I do that, I guess You will think I am an old softy but this picture has pleased Me more than I can tell I just cant help but look at it, Dearie You are the sweetest girl in this big world and I do love You with all My soul I like the mounted picture best but they are both just fine- say Millie that is a pretty waist You have on- well I am [Ltr. 3 p 8] just the proudest man in this big world and I have got the sweetest and best wife in the world. I do mean every word I say- and I wish I was where I could tell it to You I better get to answering Your letter or it will be answ- erd on the instalment plan- I will have to quit when I fill up this page becaus I dont want to stay up to late- I am glad Ruth got her books. I bought them from poor little ragged children just before Christmas, all the poor people, that is lots of them- get out and sell toys just before the hollidays and I helped some of them out in that way- the books are not much good but I thought they would amuse our baby- I am so glad the Grants got the things to You so soon as they did. did You have a visit with them, I wish You would get acquainted with them I think You would like them they have all been good to Me I am so glad Ruths doll suited her- I thot it would it was cute and I will tell Sister Parker what You say- she dressed it for Me- she is a cousin to Maggie Hull her Mother and Thomas Hull are brother and sister well Momma I will close for this time give my love to Your Papa & Momma and all the folks- Kiss Ruth for Me and tell Ruth I want her to give You a big hug for me. -May the Lord bless You both is the wish and prayer of Your loving husband and Papa with lots of kisses for You both Lovingly- Alvin [Ltr. 4, p. 1] I have just been eating a nice piece of the cake You sent last, I have about 1/3 of it left- [London conference letterhead] P.S. I am nearly better my throt is still swollen a little but I feel my self once more London, Jan 15th.......1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I received another nice long letter from You last evening this makes one and a half that I have unanswered, I started to answer Your Christmas letter but didnt finish it, and now the New Years one is here so I will try and confine this letter to answering Yours, judging from this letter #125 all the babies must have been excited Christmas time I hope it has worn off by this time, especially in Ruths case. I hope she is again taking her afternoon nap, I am glad You called to see the folks- yes Bro Nelson did write to Me I think I told You about it, so Richard spent the day at Reeds, I wrote to him to day and asked him who his girl was, and thanked him for his Christmas letter, I am glad our baby had such a good time but I am afraid- You were not so well remembered as her, I had a lovely time at Crofts but just the same time I couldnt prevent my thoughts from [Ltr. 4, p. 2] from wandering homeward, they went back to You in spite of all I could do. I am glad the gloves suited You and I will get You some white ones also a pair of 6 ½ black Say Dearie did Sid Saville give You a pair of woolen gloves, I sent You a pair by him but You have not mentioned it, so I was wondering about it, I fear he has, or will make himself out what I said he would, You said he hadnt been to see You so I wondered if he had sent them, probably he gave them to his girl- “ha ha” poor Sid I wonder what kind of tale he will tell You when he does call, I sent them so You could wear them in the winter time- but never mind maby You will get them in time for next Christmas, let Me know if he has not delivered them it isnt much but I will just drop him a card to refresh his memory I am glad Mrs Seare has finally recd her package, I dont think I mentioned them being enclosed with Yours, I forgot it Say Dearie Fred Luff is sick of England I heard Sunday that he was going to leave his children with a nurse and he and his wife were going for a short trip on the continent and early next Month [Ltr. 4, p. 3] 3 sail for home, his wife has been [London conference letterhead] sick in bed for several days- I dont know what has been the matter, of her. he- Fred, has not been up to see us for some time in fact not since we were out to his place, and he has only been to meeting once to My knowledge since he has been in England, Yes Dearie You have mentioned Your beads and I am glad You like them, Sid said that it was his Sister Mable, I think that sent for some beads like Yours and he went down and got some of the pearl ones for her, remember Me to Bro Saville when You see him, I heard that he had been called on a Mission have You heard anything about it I am glad You dont have to pay extra on the stars I thot they would be interes- ting for You and the folks to read. So Hyrum has been nagging at You again I think if You pay no attention to him he will stop, I told Sister Parker what You said about the doll and she seemed real pleased, so Ruth is a winner She actually w[--]ked a man for a ring I am afraid these cute little habits wont work off and when she grows up she [Ltr. 4, p. 4] will have to be corrected and those ways of hers wont be so cute, but she is only our doll baby now and we enjoy seeing her do these things becaus she is only a baby, and I must confess that I would like to see & hear her do them, so Ruth said Papa had another girl- was she able to find Me on that card with out being shown? So Mrs Alice Roberts has another baby, goodness goodness- Somebody is getting in their work around Salt Lake & suburbs, an Elder made the remark here at the house the other day that he had been married five years and didnt have any children, but said he, if My teachers are any good, I expect to have a start when I get home, it was only a joke but I dont like that kind of jokes becaus I have heard of such things happening, I have heard some true storys since I have been here, I will tell You about them when I get home, they wouldnt look good in writing, besides they would take up to much space-, and when You spoke of Annie I just wondered if Jesse had had any help- I dont mean this becaus I think to much of Annie, but I have allowed myself to joke- simply becaus of what I have [Ltr. 4, p. 5] 5 heard ^ of Jesse in that line- I do wish [London conference letterhead] Annie could have a baby but I fear she has passed the fruitful season- unless the Lord would bless her as he did the wife of Zacharias, or Maby he would need be more merciful to them and bless them as he did Abraham and his wife Sarah- as recorded in Gen. 17 Chapter and 15-16-17 Verses- read them. I was sorry to hear that Coulson has been operated but am pleased to learn from Your letter of yesterday that he is recovering Mr Walt Clawson must have been drunk when he fell down stairs, So Artie Brown got three years poor fellow, "moral- dont take what dont belong to You.' I hope the report about McClellan is not true- He will probably be more careful of his actions in the future. they say his accusor is a bad fellow himself, I got a card from Mrs Cusworths Sister I have written to her and I may go out and see them I had an appointment to go out the day after her Mother was taken sick and the day we should had gone I got a card telling Me not to come becaus of the sickness, and then a few days ago I got word that she died on the 26 [Ltr. 4, p. 6] they are not members of the Church although they would have wanted us to go and administer to the sick Mother, they are good people however and I hope some day that they will join the Church, tell Sister Cusworth for Me that she should do the work for her Mother, and all of her dead ancestors, and when I go out, if I do I will try and impress the father and daughter with this point of doctrin even that of salvation for the dead Sister Cusworth has a chance now that she is in Zion of becoming a savior on Mount Zion, by doing the work for her dead relatives, tell her to read the 128 section of the Doctrine and Covenants 15 verse and put in her time, becaus the Prophet Joseph Smith has said that those saints who neglect to do this work for their dead relatives do it at the peril of their own Salvation Yes You can tell Sister Cusworth that I will do anything I can for her Yes we did have a snow storm- but it was a better one than the Salt Lake papers gave us credit for. I think I told You about it, Say Dearie Packs do have an awful time of it, dont they- how [Ltr. 4, p. 7] is that little boy of theirs? I think [London conference letterhead] if they were not so dirty they would be more free from sickness- cleanlyness is next to Godliness if this be the case where do they come in at. I feel sorry for Mrs Sorensons little girl. Rheumatism is an awful thing, how has Your Mamma been this winter, I hope she has been this winter, I hope she has been free from it, - I know it is hard to write in the day time but I would rather You took twice as much time in the day time, if You could find the time, as I would rather You would, where You have to write at night do it in one or two evenings so that You wouldnt have to remain up so late. but I guess it is a job to even attemp writing in the day time, with a busy little body like Ruth to bother and interrupt You I am glad You are keeping Your teeth fixed, because You know they should all be tended to before I get home- becaus there are more things than one that effect the teeth. So [-]en weighs 183 lbs- with about ten pounds off for the over coat goodness even then he must be a fatty- I am the other extreme- what on [Ltr. 4, p. 8] earth is he living on- well I will be real pleased to get some Kodak pictures of You and Ruth- but the picture You made no mention of has come and I have admired it every day and some times several times a day every since it reached Me You dont know how good it looked to Me it just looked better to Me than any thing I have seen since I left You -good for Mat and Minerva- they are running in close opposition to Lon and Donie- well Dearie I will skip page 14 of Your letter and in answer to it will say that it wont be long before I will be there to escort You and keep You from going out alone Remember Me to Mrs Field and tell her for Me to be more careful next time I would like to see her with a little baby I wish I was there to get that hug and kiss You mention, but I am not so I will go to bed too. but I will hug Your picture before I go- and try and imagin that it is Your self give my love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks kiss Ruth for Me and let her give You a hug for her Papa May the Lord bless You both is the wish and prayer of Your loving and affectionate husband & Papa xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alvin -I have only answered Your letter 125 will do the other next time [Ltr. 5, p. 1] [London conference letterhead] London, Jan 19th.......1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth Well Dearie I am no longer at 97- but You can continue to send My letters there- I am at present at #87 Fothringham Road Bush Hill Park- Enfield Town-London England- Elder Vanse and My self came out Yesterday and last evening we held a cottage meeting here, we are only 8 miles from London. and it costs ten pence for a return trip on the railroad but if we have occasion to go to London any time in the morning we can catch the workingmens train at 7 a.m. and then we can get a return trip for two pence quite a diference isnt it, I think we will have a fine time here we are just going to go right after the people and let them know that we are in town, it has been quite foggy- for a couple of days and it dont agree with Me- especially with My throat, that however is much better than it was altho [Ltr. 5, p. 2] it is not just right yet but I hope it will be shortly, I will try and answer Your letter 126 of Dec 31st when You speak of having just bathed Ruth and put her to bed, and You speak of the hard time You have in getting her out of the tub after she is washed it reminded Me of when she was just a little tod how she used to enjoy her bath and how I used to splash the water in her face and how she would laugh and kick and think it a huge joke- I would enjoy seeing her, but I guess the fight You have to get her out of the tub is not so funny, Yes you told Me. You were going to Mammas, but I guess You looked just as good as some of the rest even tho You were not dressed up, but of course if the rest of them were all togged up, perhaps you would feel as You say but Dearie You dont have to be all plastered up to look good You always looked nice when You have any of Your dresses on and I can just picture You in My mind as I have seen You in Your [Ltr. 5, p. 3] [London Conference letterhead] 3 diferent costumes- How well I remember You the time I took You to the theatre for the first time, You were dressed in Your pink dress and You good to Me; and then I used to like Your black dress in fact I liked You in any of them- You always looked nice- and it didnt matter what You had on- or whether You had anything on. You were all there, every bit of You and You dont have to take a back seat for any body and You must not think that any body noticed You were not fixed up in the best You had I am sorry You cant get used to Mammas ways- She dont mean it the way You take it and I know she likes to have You go there, I was glad to hear that Mamie had a daughter how tickled she must be- and what a com[-]ort it will be to her, I tell You there is nothing so sweet as a nice baby- I take it that Mamie is at the Bee Hive- I hope she will remain there and take no chances on moving as she did with the last one- Say Dearie You must [Ltr. 5, p. 4] have had a great time with Ruth at the Theatre, Just imagin having Buster Brown act that way with her, I am afraid she is learning rather fast- for a baby. She must have been interesting and rowdy to attract the attention of the audience I am glad Aunt Sarah invited You to go to the theatre, the last show I went to was called the Morals of Marcus it was just fine, I hope You will be able to withstand Hyrums teasing a few more months: He only does it because it hurts Your feelings- he always was a bad one to tease people- he cant help but do it.- and You are not the only one he teases- Well Mamma I have only a few minutes to post this I was so busy Yesterday packing up that I didnt have time to write but, will take more time now that I am located, give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks and kiss our baby for Me- and tell Ruth to Love hug & kiss Mamma for Papa May the Lord bless You and protect You from all Harm and danger is the wish and prayer of Your loving husband & papa Alvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Ltr. 6, p. 1] [London conference letterhead] London, Jan 21.......1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth We are comfortably located in our new lodge we went out tracting this morning for the first time- I had two good conver- sations, when I got back to the house had been here only a minute, and a telegram came so I had to go to the City to see the Lawyers- and I just got back, it is nine thirty- I dont know when the thing will be settled but I am living in hopes well when I got back Your letter was here awaiting Me also the card of the LDS Hospital it is a very good picture, I still have a letter only partly answered- My letters from You come come very regular I dont understand how it is that You go with out so long and then get two at once, I think I had better try and answer Your last letter before I begin on this one. The little clipping You send shows that the Salt Lake Post Office did some [Ltr. 6, p. 2] business its self. as well as our London office Dearie I was pleased to learn that You were both well, I also got a nice letter from Alex and he sends best regards to You. I also got a letter from a fellow that Sister Everard owed and he like several others, has threatened to sue Me as Executor if his a/c is not paid at once, but they cant get blood out of a turnip. so I dont worry much about such letters, I am glad that C[--]lsen is home I think I answered that portion of Your letter about Nerva, and Donnie I think another Mission would be a good thing for both Mat and Lon, but Maby I hadnt better talk- there is no telling what might happen when I get home, Say Dearie about those cows You can do as You please with them I dont blame You for being hot - it would be a diferent thing if I was there to look after them, sell them and we will get another some how when we are ready for one- and when I am there to take care of it, when You tell how small the cow is and what a scrub calf she has it reminds Me of some of the kid girls overe here it is the commonest kind of a sight to see a mere baby with a baby- I often see [Ltr. 6, p. 3] 3 kids about the size that Emma [London conference letterhead] was when I left with a little baby, some of them dont look more than fifteen Years old but I wish You didnt have to bother with a cow and I dont care how soon You rid Your self of them You speak of the mild weather and muddy roads I was reading the news at 97 to day, some of the editorials go after the street supervisor and Americans in general it must be awful but I guess the people, gentiles and all, will get a belly full of such fellows, we have had some foggy weather for a few days and it dont agree with Me but I am better than I have been, and My throat is nearly better, dont worry about Me I am feeling alright and I am taking care of My self as best I can but when a fellow is like I was a couple of weeks ago or nearly that long, they think of home, I tell You Dearie women are the most useful thing that the Lord created, and if ever I have learned to appreciate them it is since I have been away from You, but I am well again and summer is coming. then I will begin to feel better- Yes Dearie [Ltr. 6, p. 4] I got the cake and there is a small piece of it left Yet, but the candy is all gone long ago with regard to the stamps on the package, I didnt have anything to pay, but I was curious to know how much it cost. I think some stamp-fiend or crank swiped it, maby the postman I didnt know that You could send things through the Des News until after those had been sent but when I learned it from Elder Seare I sent You word but there will be no need of sending anything else to Me I am on My twenty first month now but not like chase I have not begun to pack My trunk Yet. that is for hom coming besides My trunk wont hold half the stuff I have got in the shape of books & Etc. but I hope to fire some of those home before I come if possible- Say Dearie I am sending home to You by Lillie Price some every day linnen- by this I mean something cheap for every day use, and I wish You would show it to Mamma when it gets there and let her see if she would like some like it- I think the price is on each piece so You can see what it cost the napkins cost 90 ¢ per dozen they have not been Ironed which made [Ltr. 6, p. 5] 5 them cheaper- the bunch cost <£>1-14-82- [London conference letterhead] or $833 - I cant get any more just as cheap as that becaus the sale will be over the first of February but it will be cheaper than You can get at home, I think, there are more table clothes and one doz napkins so You see they are quite reasonable but I will leave You to judge when You get them. I am sending in the same package, two pair of gloves one pair of 6 ½ black 16 button length and one pair of white 6- same length the white ones are for You and the black ones are for Your order the black ones cost 5/11 five an eleven- 5/11- or <$1,42> one dollar & forty two cents the white ones cost a little less they were sold out of the twelve button length in black- if they had had them I could have got them like Yours at sixpence less but the length made a little diference- I hope all those things get to You in good shape, I am sending some beads & Hat pins for the girls and Lillie May bring them all to You she expects to sail on the 6th of next month, I am sorry Mrs Buchel didnt [Ltr. 6, p. 6] see You, I got one of the Elders to take some things home for her the other day, I got a card from Miss Bawyer- this is Mrs Cusworths sister I expect to go out and see her one of these days So Miss Reynold called to see You I presume it was Miss Holbrook that was with her- but it may have been Miss Adams or Miss Schofield- there was two Holbrook girls- I liked Angie the best of the two and she promised Me she would call on You when she went to Salt Lake, she told Me how well she knew Richard; I tell You Bud knows all the girls- and they told You how Much I loved You did they ? I dont know how they know I didnt show them; but I have heard that when a fellow is in love it sticks out all over him and maby this is is how they found it out- but that was a funny thing for them to be telling You, and You didnt believe it, ha he Your picture looking down from the shelf tells a diferent tale I keep it where I can see it every minute I am in the room, it does look mighty good to Me Dearie I do love You, you are the sweetest kid I know and I dont care if those girls do know that [Ltr. 6, p. 7] 7 I think so. remember Me kindly [London conference letterhead] to them when You see them again I will tell Hanson what You say Say Dearie when I went to the House “when I say House” I mean 97- the women folks nearly had a fit to see Me and I had only been away about three days, that is the old cook and the new woman, they actually said they missed Me, think of it, who would ever thought that I would be missed Say but I do wish I was with You while You are eating that candy and Nuts, Yes how well I remember how we used to sit in our night dresses and have a feast on candy and nuts before going to bed and how much sweeter they tasted to Me then than they do now, I guess it was becaus I had some love mixed in with them, <[--]> would I like to repeat those times?? well I should say so and I expect to do so before many more months pass by- well Dearie it is time for Me to stop and go to bed I will fill up the back page of this sheet tomorrow- Night Night- happy dreams for You both- Lovingly Papa [Ltr. 6, p. 8] Jan 22nd 07 Well Dearie I have just come in from tracting it is now 1230 so I thought I would fill up this sheet and send it off and answer Your letter next Friday it is very cold here to day, in fact I think it is as cold as any day we have yet this winter and it seems nice to be back by the fire, I see You get even with Me on the late night racket- but You must do as I say and not as I do in regard to stopping up late. I only wish I could go to sleep when I go to bed it would be alright then, You ask who gave George the promise of his release- it was President Matson of the Swedish Mission at least that is what he told Me- Yes Dearie I did want a picture of You even tho it be only a kodak one but You have had My letters before now telling You what I think of the one You sent, I am perfectly Satisfied, it just pleased Me better than anything I have had for a long time Well Mamma tell Ruth Papa got her letter and will answere it before long kiss her for Me Millie, and tell her to give You a big hug & kiss for Papa- give my love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks May the Lord bless You and Ruth, and all the folks at home is the wish and prayer of Your loving husband & Papa with lots of hugs & kisses for You both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alvin [Ltr. 7, p. 1] [London conference letterhead] London, Jan 24th....1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I will endeavor to answer Your of Jan 6th 1907 #127. I dont expect to have time to write tomorrow becaus I expect to go to London in the morning on the early train. I expect to help check over Mrs Everards goods before they go to the auction rooms, it begins to look like some kind of settlement was going to be made, but there is no telling so You have got Ruths dress made and every body thinks it real pretty I just guess it is pretty. I wish I could see how she looks in it, is it any prettier than the one she had her picture taken in? it is pretty nice if it is. So Aunt J wants Me to get her some lace like I sent You, well if she writes to Me I guess I will have to do it but I would rather not She had better have George get it I guess he will come through here on his way home, I am glad Ruth had a nice time at the party- I am [Ltr. 7, p. 2] glad Geraldine was pleased with her dollie, but I am sorry she is not well, and I am so glad Ruth likes hers, I told Sister Parker what You both said about it and she was pleased, that You were pleased- Say Mamma Tuesday night we had a Mutual entertainment and one of the Sisters handed Me a package and said that is for Your little girl - the sister was Rose Lincolin, I asked her what was in it, she said O. You can open it after while and see- so I went in the other room and opened the package, it contained a nice pair of knit bed room shoes they are real nice- so I thanked her again for them, and told her that if they were to small I could use them for the next one- she said that is what I thot, but I didnt dare say it- so the first chance I get I will send them home to You with Sister Lincolins compliments Just think of her asking You to tell
Papa all about her dolls Dearie I just wish I could happen in and see and hear her do some of her cute things so You think You will frame that post [Ltr. 7, p. 3] 3 card of Me and hang it up on [London conference letterhead] the wall You had better put it in the parlor “ha ha” but be sure and turn its face to the wall, I am glad the folks complimented You on Your age and looks, just think- only look to be 21- what a diference there will be in You and Me- people are apt to ask the question when I get home and they see Me with You Who is that old man with that Young girl- well Dearie it is now 930 PM it has been about 4 ½ hours since I left off at the cross above we have been out visiting saints and have had a nice time, we have had a little snow this evening and the last three days have been the coldest I have experienced since I came to this land it has been bitter cold- with the wind blowing fiercely it has felt just like some of our home winds- so You think You can see Your finish when I get home, but You dont mind so long as it is Ruth that cuts You out- well Dearie Maby I can hold two on my lap. I am quite willing to try at any rate.” Jan 26th Well Dearie [Ltr. 7, p. 4] I began this letter the 24th and must now finish it in time to have it posted by twelve o clock or else it will not go out to day- Yesterday Morning, I went to London at 645 AM & got up at 530 AM. Spent all day at Sister Everards while they moved her things we have finally come in posession of them and they are to be sold next Thursday, and I dont think they will bring more than one third what they are worth I took home to 97 with Me all her old clothes and things that couldnt be sold in the auction rooms- and what a Mess there was. She had more clothes than any woman I ever saw, the linnen and sheets & all dont amount to anything in fact I think the people helped them selves to the best of that, what is left isnt worth tuppence, but she has some good dresses and they are all in My possession and and if they value them low enough I will buy the bunch - both the Lawyers and Man who is to sell them said they wouldnt bring any thing in a sale so I said then [Ltr. 7, p. 5] 5 I will take possession of them [London conference letterhead] so after they are valued I can decide whether I want to keep them some of the dresses couldnt be made for less than 50 dollars and furnish the stuff but they would never fit any body but Sister Everard but one or two are New and could be used- for Making some one a very fancy ball dresses- I am glad it is coming to an end I gave away to some of the saints after I got them home- and began to sort them out. enough old stuff to keep them bu[-]sy a month fixing them up something that isnt worth bringing home in fact it was a lot of rubbish- but they were glad of it. I gave Sister Parker a bundle- and she was very pleased with it, I found a good dress suit of clothes what belonged to Bro Everard it just fit my companion so I gave it to him the stuff I have given away never was listed- and was considered only fit for the scrap pile the balance is in my possession and I will keep it until I am advised what [Ltr. 7, p. 6] what it is worth- You needent mention to any body that I have been giving some of the stuff away becaus they may think I have no right to but I expect to buy all I have and then it will be no bodys business, and I have got a present out of it for You and I will try and send it home to You the first of Next Month and You can count it as a birth day present, I will tell You More about it later on- I must post this letter right away- Lillie Price wrote to Me and she has received the package I mentioned in My last letter and she said she would be pleased to take it to You and she thanked Me for telling her that she was welcome to go and see My folks, encourage her all You can, when she gets there she is a good girl I will send here letter herewith so You can read it Your self save Me telling You all about it- love to all the folks and kisses & hugs for You & Ruth May the Lord bless You both is the wish and prayer of Your loving and affectionate husband & Papa Alvin [Ltr 7 p. 7: letter enclosed with Ltr. 7] Latter-day Saints European Printing Publishing and Emigration Office. Liverpool. 295. Edge Lane. To Elder A F Smith Dear Bro Smith, My time is getting very short in England now, I feel very thankful to my heavenly Father, that he has prepared the way for me to go to the land of Zion, & my desire is to do my duty there, & live the gospel of Jesus Christ, which I know to true, & I tell you Elder Smith, that I do thank you, for giving me the privilege, of being able to go & [---] visit your dear Friends, it makes me feel, that I will not be quite a stranger in S L City. I would like to ask you to send me a recommend, for I fear that it will be of no use me going without one I must thank you for all your kindness to me when at 97. & now dear Brother I will say good bye to you, for a short time, it will not be long till I see you again. believe Me Your Sister in the Gospel of Jesus Christ- Lily P Price [Ltr. 7, p. 8] [written diagonally in top left corner] I will take Your 3 packets, with the greatest of pleasure. One of the above packages belongs to B.A. Seare so If Lillie takes it to You phone Mrs Seare to come after it [Ltr. 8, p. 1] [London Conference letterhead] London,...................1907 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I have two letters and part of a letter to answer, one came day before Yesterday- another Yesterday and one I have had several days I got a letter from Papa, one from tF D Cummings, H A Beesley. all came Yesterday. I red them- at 130 AM this morning, I left Lon Enfield Yesterday Morning at 630 with Sister Crofts and we went out to Sydenham where we spend the day and evening- and we missed a train coming home by two minutes, which caused us to wait for the last one home and we like never to have got here- Mr Crofts and several others including Lilie Crofts Miss Barron Mr Coleman and His daughter were with us coming back so we had the company of one another while waiting. I am going to try and answer all Your letters this writing if possible and if nothing happens to disturb Me I am glad those books got home alright. I thought I sent [Ltr. 8, p. 2] Al and Alice one, but You mention all but him. Yes I have looked over My list and I sent him one- I gave away about thirty two of those books for Christmas, I sent Al’s to him at Booths I hope it didnt get lost- of course it wasnt much of a present but I hope he got it. - give My Love to Will and Nara and remember Me to Ray Naylor when You see him. I thot I would call on John when I got in Chicago but not if he goes home in June, that is the first of June. I guess from what I hear Richard is a regular little mischief but I like to see babies that way. boys are diferent to girls. give My love to Coulsen I am glad he is improving -Mamma tells Me Wesley is going on a Mission to the Islands shortly- I was pleased when You said that Sister Grant called and gave You the kisses I sent, she is a nice lady and she was mighty good to Your sweet heart, I dont blame her “for wishing she was back in England. You know I wouldnt mind remaining here for a while if I had You with Me I do want You to see England before I come home- You would enjoy it [Ltr. 8, p. 3] 3 I know, So Sister Grant told You [London conference letterhead] some nice things about Me- what was it pray- well I try to make every body like Me- but I fear at times I make a miserable failure of it. Yes I did think when I saw them going home that I would like to be going with them, but when ever I get the blues and allow my self to think to much of home- then it is that I would like to go back with the first boat going, it must be cute when Ruth plays the - toy piano and wants You to dance- she is the best baby in the world- Say Dearie about our house I think You are right about the price being 2350 00 dollars- it was 2350 or 2375- and I would- not sell it for less, and before You take even that sum for it, I would ask Ed Ashton what he would give or what he thinks he could get. I understand there is a boom on at home- and Maby that would make a diference I think I told You that B A Seare was offered $200000 for his place and he only gave one thousand for it- but I will leave it to You, and if we dont sell it we will rebuild on the same spot [Ltr. 8, p. 4] one of these days, I think I mentioned about the cows- I hope You will either sell them or loan them to some one who is willing to feed them for their keep- or do anything You want I dont want You bothering with them any longer, Yes Dearie I did have a good dream about You better than the one to which You refer in Your last letter about Me, I am better now and I dont want You to worry about Me I am following the instructions of Dr Allen- gosh he gave Me some nasty tablets for My throat and I have to eat or suck three or four of them a day but they are helping Me- I did have an awful throat- I can tell You I was worried about it- but He told me I must not talk or sing until it was better- of course I cant do either but he meant that I must not try but that My throat should have a rest so I am taking care of My self- Dearie Your remedy is a sure cure for the blues but I cant always do it- besides my surroundings are not such that I can when I feel that way I would sooner be alone. You know how it is I will now try and answer Your letter [Ltr. 8, p. 5] 5 number 128- that is a cute letter You [London conference letterhead] wrote for Ruth tell her Papa got it and will answer it one of these days. Yes Dearie we will have a better time Next Christmas and then Ruth will have a Christmas tree I am sorry Alice Reynolds is not well She better look out- and take care of her self- before it is to late- Her Father must be in a bad fix him self- so Bennie is going to New Zealand, that will be a fine trip for him- Bro Reynolds trip will be a nice one to, Is Eva Fird– going to do some special missionary work or is she going to do regular work- and tract from door to door- we are having quite a time here in Enfield we held a meeting Sunday night here in the cottage and we had thirty people several from North London- while at Finsbury town hall in the North London Branch they only had twenty I tell You we are going to try and get the people out and beat all of the other branches if we can-- Yes I am still president of the N.L. Branch and May be until I go home- but there may be a change one of these days, because I cant look after it as I should [Ltr. 8, p. 6] and be out here,- but I have got lots of friends among the saints and some of them were disapointed so they said when I left London but it is the best thing that has happened to Me, I heard since I came out here that Jones is figuring on closing Finsbury- but it is none of My business but if he asks Me I will tell him what I think about it- it will be a big mistake, but he is boss, Not Me- so Sid Saville finally called- I am glad he has redeemed himself and I am glad You like the gloves- I thot they would be warm for You I got a letter from President Lyman it is a fine letter and he gives Me some good advice he also sent Me one of his photos- so if You see him in the near future You can tell him I got them- Yes I got the cakes & candy I still have a small piece of cake – Yes Dearie the people over here think Ruth looks like You- and so she does I have both of Your pictures side by side and any body can tell that she belongs to You-, I got a nice letter from Alex a few days ago and two days ago I got a card from him from Paris [Ltr. 8, p. 7] 7 He wished to be remembered to You [London conference letterhead] I will get the silk and lace for Alices dress You didnt say how much silk to Get but I will guess at it- Bro Nelson gave Papa 1500 for each of us boys- and Papa tells Me I must not forget to rem- ember him and his when I am coming home- I expect to get Nonie a nice black silk dress- before I leave London- Dearie He is good to Me- I will look out for a chain I have been looking at them for a long time and I will look out for one for her, but Say Dearie- what about that offer You have from Bro Nelson just You take him up- go and see Papa about it, Dearie that is a chance of a life time and dont You let it pass. we will some day get even with Bro Nelson, You just make up Your mind to come, there will be several ladies coming over in the spring Jones has a Daughter coming- I will Meet You at Liverpool- will You bring Ruth or leave her goodness I wish You could bring her but it would be a hard trip for You both- just go and see Papa and write to Me all about it [Ltr. 8, p. 9] I do want You to come, I would just be the most tickled Man in London if You can come, do thank Bro Nelson for Me.- and accept his offer- I am glad Ruth is getting better- do be careful of Your selves and watch our baby, and I know You will- I wouldn’t have anything happen either of You for the world- I do love You with all my soul- Papa just mentioned that she was not very well on account of her teeth- well Dearie I am going out to visit investigators to night and- and I dont expect to be home very early in fact I am going at two o clock and expect to spend all after noon we are going to try and convince the people we are right and let the Lord convert them- give My love to all My friends and give Ruth a big kiss for Me tell Ruth to hug her Mamma for Papa remember Me to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks- and May the Lord bless You and Ruth and all is the wish and prayer of Your loving husband & Papa xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Alvin xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx